
英国“迷幻”摇滚 Glass Animals 发布了 Zaba 之后,开始了非常激进的巡回演唱会,一共办了将近 140 多场。在演唱会的旅行中,他们从不同的人那里听到了一些故事,有些甚至是亲身经历的。GA 将这些故事写成了新的专辑,叫做《如何做人》(How to Be a Human Being) 。

这张专辑一共 11 首歌,专辑的封面上有 11 个人,每一首歌的背后都是一个故事,虽然不是每一个故事都对剧情讲的很清晰,但是表达的感情却很强烈,悲伤,后悔,愤怒……

我最喜欢的一首是《天堂的另一面》( The Other Side Of Paradise ). 这首歌的故事我觉得讲的最清楚,具有非常强烈的愤怒和无力感。


When I was young and stupid my love
Left to be a rock and roll star
He told me please don’t worry
Wise little smile that spoke so safely

男孩买了一张单程票去了西方(应该是加州),那个地方会让挤在一间屋子的 6 个人,有机会成为百万富翁。

He booked a one way ticket
Out west that’s where they make it
Six kids stuck in a bedsit
To sunswept poolside riches


He met a girl who wore Versace
Pink feather coats and jumbo jewellery
Gonna be a hoop phenomenon
He’s gonna be Hakeem Olajuwan

然后是第二段 Verse,他在电话中告诉她,他终于成功了,每天都能都能赚很多钱。但是在女孩这里,却像电影里的慢镜头一样。

He’s got a gold Camaro
He said over the payphone
I try to keep my cool but
My life turns in slow motion

接下来就是 Chorus 了。大段的内容描述了女生内心的活动,对急速成功的渴望让他越来越远,他被欲望杀掉了,他成了 Ghost。

Bye bye baby blue
I wish you could see the wicked truth
Caught up in a rush it’s killing you
Screaming at the sun you blow into
Curled up in a grip when we were us
Fingers in a fist like you might run
I settle for a ghost I never knew
Superparadise I held on to
But I settle for a ghost

然后是第三段 Verse,依然是心里活动。这一段对后来的剧情至关重要。在“我出生的”新奥尔良,没有人会为了成为明星背井离乡,男人们会 stay and treat his lady, Give everything to his new baby

When I was from n.o.l.a no one
Left to be a rock and roll star
He’d stay and treat his lady
Give everything to his new baby

然后是 Bridge 的部分,她也变了一个人,变了自己的态度,她要用自己的愤怒毁灭他。但是这一段也开始变得模糊了,歌词中有枪,down,shake这些字眼,愤怒无疑是来自女生,但是也说不清是开枪打了谁,不知道歌词中的 Girl 指的是她,还是范思哲女孩,不知道她杀了别人,还是自杀。只能从歌词中明确的知道,她变得麻木了,“My body’s looking wrong”…

I know you don’t but I
I know you don’t but I still try
My thunder shook him down
My thunder came and shook him down
That girl is gone but I
That girl is gone but I still try
I think it’s over now
The bullet hit but maybe not
I feel so fucking numb
It hits my head and I feel numb
My body’s looking wrong



P.S. 因为 Pork Soda 里面有一句 “Pineapples are in my head”,所以很多乐迷在演唱会现场会带菠萝,演唱会结束后让现场难以打扫。后来演唱会将烟花,武器,菠萝列为了违禁品


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